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I can highly recommend the Designer Physique product to absolutely anyone wanting to lose weight or simply increase their protein intake in a highly efficient and healthy way.

I started using the Whey Protein to assist my weight loss in 2007 and have not looked back. I had been using other Protein powders and trying many similar products to use as meal replacements.

Although some of them were effective they were horrible to drink, were full of chemical fillers and were quite expensive. I was struggling to stick with the diet plan using these products.

My favourite things about the Designer Physique product are that it is:

  • Natural
  • Inexpensive
  • Blends extremely well
  • Tastes AMAZING

By daily replacing one or two of my main meals with the Whey Protein and keeping my other foods high in protein I successfully lost the weight and achieved my goal.

I am so thankful that this wonderful product was available. There is nothing like it anywhere else on the market.

Another thing I am so thankful for is that my family are now starting to use the product and are gaining the same awesome weight loss results.

They have seen how successful I have been with Designer Whey and now they are adding it to their diet regimes.

I know that if I had not found a product which was so tasty, easy to prepare and inexpensive that they would not have started the diet plan. They would have been missing out on the healthy weight loss experiences which they are now so excited about.

Thank you Designer Physique, you have helped my whole family become fitter, healthier and slimmer.

Jenni Paxton
Administrative Director


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